Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Chandrika justifies terrorism at UN Assembly by Malin Abeyatunge

President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s address to the UN had the following statement:

Even if the expression of the conflict may take the most horrendous terror form, we believe that there are justified reasons for it".

This is a grossly inappropriate statement that had come from a Head of a country devastated by a prolonged terrorism. Her statement justifies and endorses LTTE’s act of terrorism in the past, present and future and also acts of all other terrorist outfits in the world. Terrorists have only one objective. That is to inflict terror into the civilized world to meet their ends no matter how unjustifiable they are.

According to her above statement, 9/11 attack, Beslan school attack on innocent school children, thousands and thousands of innocents killed by LTTE, recent hostage killing in Iraq, Al Quaida, IRA and hundreds of other terrorist outfits right around the world have some justified reasons for their terrorist acts.

Well, then even Hitler and Pol Pot can also be pardoned because they both believed that their reasons to kill millions were justified.

I reiterate the question what justification the Tamil LTTE has to launch a terrorist war against a legitimate government. Sri Lanka is the only country in the world where the language spoken by 4% of the population is given Official Language Status. Sri Lankan flag is the only flag in the world which gives due recognition to two major minority nationalities Tamils and Moors. Sri Lanka is the only country which has established separate universities for the minority.

Sri Lanka is the only country in the world which has given recognition to all minority religions Hindus, Muslims and Christians by declaring their holy days as holidays. More Tamils live in the South than the East and North. What more justification do the Tamils expect as a minority in the country? All privileges held by the majority Sinhalese Buddhists are more than equally held by the minority nationalities and religions.

So madam, we would like to hear from you the justified reasons for the Tamil terrorist conflict and all other terrorist conflicts in the world. Madam Chandrika, it is a shame on you to make such an unqualified statement on terrorism. It is like "Panina rilavunta inimang bandinawe wage".