Floods from the waters of Ananjayan Kulam, Yokapuram Kulam and Ottaruththa Kulam hit several villages within and near their drainage zones, forcing people to flee to high ground further west and northwest of the Vanni.
The water level in the large Iranaimadukkualm has also risen to dangerous levels today due to the continuing rains. The water level in this tank has risen by 17.6 feet.
The rains are filling up Akkarayan Kulam, Kalmadukkulam, Vannerikkulam, Viswamadukkulam and Kanakambikaikulam in the Vanni.
Meanwhile low lying areas in the peninsula have also been flooded due to the heavy showers.
The rains ceased a little this evening around 6.30 p.m. in the Jaffna town and its environs. But areas such as Vaddukkoddai and Araly are flooded said residents.